Stelarc wins the Prix Ars Electronica 2010 – Hybrid Art

The winners of the Prix Ars Electronica 2010.

  Ear on Arm / Stelarc

Ear on Arm / Stelarc

Stelarc has been experimenting with art and biomedical research for over 30 years. The philosophy behind his work: Prostheses not as means of compensating for physical deficiencies but rather as ways to enhance our physical capabilities. Instead of replacing a missing or defective body part, Stelarc improves or expands the form and functions of his body with the help of custom-developed interfaces and apparatuses. “Ear on Arm,” an earimplanted onto his forearm, consists of soft tissue and flexible cartilage, and is thus a prosthesis that could possibly be produced right on the body itself. It’s based on a concept that originated in the 1990s. The artist has been continually conducting research and upgrading the ear’s functional efficiency, using his own body as a field of experimentation, as a human-machine interface.