Action Sharing is a platform created by the operating arm of Piemonte Share, bringing together artists, engineers, computer scientists and local robotics companies. The result was a pilot production. The general goal was to produce a multimedia show, building on the potential unleashed by the integration of and cultural exchange between digital art, the academic community (the Polytechnic University) and the mechatronics industry.

The culture of making and doing is still alive and strong in Turin, as can be seen in new goods and services. In the meantime, the city itself and its economic fabric is changing radically, with a completely new approach taken to the skills of the past, such as those of the automotive industry, projecting our economy increasingly onto the world scale. For the future we have creativity, which is intrinsically tied to art, but increasingly also with the economy and business. It is no coincidence that the doctoral programme in economics at the University of Turin has a stream focused on complexity and creativity.

If we consider robots – from the industrial kind to androids and mobile applications of artificial intelligence – the finest expression of industry, creativity and innovation, Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti represents an important calling card for the future of our area. The idea of creating a mechanical orchestra inspired by the works of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti is highly appropriate for a city like Turin, as it symbolically connects the past and future of the area. On the one hand we have making and doing, the beating of drums, which recalls the skilled and unskilled manual labour that lay at the heart of our economy in the past, but which has progressively been replaced by automation, with mental labour, represented here by both artistic creation and technology. In this way we are demonstrating our ability to imagine, create and manage projects that represent a complex crossroads between very different skills and cultures – something which represents an important key to successfully rising to the challenges posed by the changes unfolding around us.

Prof. Pietro Terna
Faculty of Economics, University of Turin