/ The end is coming. Are you ready?

Print / The end is coming. Are you ready?.

START!! assisting your virtual suicide is a brand new social meta-platform based on the most popular – and pervasive – social networking website: facebook. As the typical 2.0 name suggests, seppukoo refers to the ancient form of Japanese ritual suicide, the “seppuku”.

Seppukoo acts as a conceptual virus and it works and replicates itself with viral communication strategies.
For each user committing suicide, a promotional/commemorative message will be sent to all friends and contacts, so that many other users can easily join the suicidal network: the self-destructive aproach to viral communication is the attempt to infect one of the most popular social network not through its server-based body but through its most important resource: the user and his/her community, a social body without a body.
As viral marketing strategies have been exploited by corporate media to make profit connecting people all over the world, Seppukoo wants to subvert this mechanism in order to rethink the idea of social network, answering the rethoric question: “what happens to a user when its profile, account or avatar commits suicide?”

Les Liens invisibles

> is a project by the imaginary art-group Les Liens Invisibles.
> Brand Design + Web Design by parcodiyellowstone (

The project Seppukoo is part of the exhibition Market Forces  at Share Festival 2009 curated by Simona Lodi