Action Sharing 2 Competition

actionsharing 2

The Sharing, in partnership with the Turin Chamber of Commerce, is announcing the second Action Sharing competition.

Action Sharing is an ideas competition for artistic projects that make syncretic use of mechatronic elements.

Area of key interest for The Sharing include: art, music, drama, performance art and dance.
The Turin Chamber of Commerce has sponsored the competition with a view to promoting the creative capital to be found in the Piedmont region, where art and technology are two strategic sectors for the local economy, as part of its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote interdisciplinary co-operation.

Artists are invited to enter projects that make use of the devices required by the competition (electric motor/linear voice coil actuator) in the areas of key interest stated above.
The aim of the competition is to identify and select artistic projects that can be developed in partnership with leading companies in the mechatronics sector, the Polytechnic University of Turin, and Regione Piemonte institutions.

The idea judged the best will win a prize of €1500*.
*one thousand, five hundred euros, including tax and social security contributions.

The deadline for entries is midnight, 30th November 2010.

Download the Competition Terms and Conditions:

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