Bruce Sterling & Jasmina Tesanovic present REFF

Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tesanovic present REFF

Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tesanovic present REFF

We will be together with Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanovi? in Rome during the next few days.

Just back from Brazil, Bruce and Jasmina have been so nice to dedicate some of their time to help us out in spreading the news about the REFF Book, just published by FakePress and DeriveApprodi as the latest effort of RomaEuropa FakeFactory.

Bruce wrote the preface for the book, while Jasmina wrote a contribution telling the story behind the beginning of her experiences as a writer, among networks, war, anonimity and blogs. They are dear friends and represent interesting perspectives on the main theme of the book “the reinvention of reality”.

And we hope that you all will be able to get together with us for the event, or that you’d like to take a look at the materials that we’ll publish after it.

Here below the full info of the two parts of the event.


Bruce Sterling & Jasmina Tesanovic


REFF – The RomaEuropa FakeFactory book

Jan 14th. @ ESC – Via dei Volsci 159 (San Lorenzo) / Jan. 15th @ STRIKE – Via U. Partini 21 (Zona Portonaccio)

On the 14th and 15th of January Bruce Sterling (author of the preface to the book) and Jasmina Tešanovi? (author of the essay-interview “A goose in the fog. Story and evolution of a technological idiot“) present the book:

“REFF. The reinvention of reality through critical practices of remix, mash up, recontextualization, re-enactment”, edited by FakePress and DeriveApprodi.

Two dates dedicated to the practices and possibilities to reinvent reality offered by new technologies. The authors will join FakePress at two fundamental nodes of activism in Rome: ESC Atelier Autogestito (on Friday Jan. 14th) and the Spazio Pubblico Autogestito Strike (on Saturday Jan. 15th).

You are all welcome!


About Bruce Sterling. The author of the Mirrorshades anthology in 1986 contributed to the definition of cyberpunk. Sterling is the author of science fiction novels, pieces of fine journalism and world known essays. He collaborates with Wired magazine, has a dedicated column on XL magazine since its first issue and writes for the La Stampa newspaper from Turin in which he curates, together with Jasmina Tešanovi?, the column “Globalisti a Torino” (“Globalists in Turin”). In 2003 he has been nominated professor at European Graduate School, where he teaches intensive courses in Media and Design.

About Jasmina Tesanovic.Feminist and political activist (Women in Black; CodePink) she is a writer, journalist, translator and film director. In 1978 she promoted the first feminist conference in Eastern Europe, “Drug-ca Zena” (Belgrade). With Slavica Stojanovic she designs and creates the first feminist publishing house in the Balcans, “Feminist 94?, lasting for 10 years. She is the author of “Diary of a Political Idiot”, translated in 12 languages: a war diary written during the 1999 conflict in Kosovo. Since then she has been publishing her works on blogs and other media, always connected to the Internet.

About REFF – RomaEuropa FakeFactory . Started in 2008 the project confronts the themes of critical, active and creative innovation in cultural and technological policies. With the publication of its book, REFF is the first instance of a novel form of publishing floating across augmented reality, ubiquitous publishing, innovative and accessible interfaces, emergent narratives, infoaesthetics and a new perspective on the world that surrounds us. REFF – Remix the world, reinvent reality!

The event is promoted by:

ESC []

in collaboration with :

STRIKE spa [], AOS [], FakePress []

More info on REFF: []



Jan. 14th – ESC (Via dei Volsci 159, Rome)

ore 18:00 – REFF. Story and evolution of a conflict, curated by FakePress

ore 18:30 – Interviewing Bruce & Jasmina, by Benedetto Vecchi ( “Il Manifesto”)

ore 19.00 – Free Talk, open discussion with the audience

ore 22:00 – DROMOSCOPE. Ambient, drone, glitch, abstract hip hop and techno, spatialized at ESC and progressively rising through a series of DJ/VJ sets

* how to reach ESC:

Jan. 15th – STRIKE spa (Via Umberto Partini 21, Rome)

ore 20:00 – REFF. Story and evolution of a conflict, curated by FakePress

ore 20:30 -Bruce Sterling & Jasmina Tesanovic FreeTalk. Open discussion with the audience

ore 23:00 – presentation of the new record by dj Gruff  “Phonogruff”

* how to reach Strike spa: