CALL FOR SHARE PRIZE 2012 – Open Your City

Piemonte Share is announcing a new edition of the Share Prize, the international competition designed to discover, promote and support art in the digital age.
Entries for the Share Prize can be submitted from 23th March to 6th June 2012, by completing the entry form on the website
The Share Prize this year will focus on the theme for the 8th Share Festival, entitled Open Your City.

Open Your City is the guiding theme for the Share Festival 2012. A theme that contains three key, simple and direct words, the pillars on which this year’s festival programme will be built. ‘Open Your City’ will also provide the blueprint for this year’s Share Prize.

Open is meant in the sense of being in the making, of being unfinished, experimental, transparent and boundless. ‘Open’ gives the idea of a starting point, the perspective from which we see things, an inclusive vision founded on digital communication and active democracy. It is a hallmark of the quality of an idea, a system, a group or an organization. It relinquishes copyright to give precedence to the sharing of knowledge, to open-source methodologies.

Your is meant as the direct participation of people who possess, own, use, occupy and command something that belongs to them. It identifies the person who plays a leading role in driving change-someone who takes action, steps in and gets involved; someone who makes plans, collaborates, transforms, brings together and acts as part of a community. ‘Your’ means grass-roots democracy.

City is meant as the venue or theatre of action; it is the common good, the backdrop to changes underway. An urban space abuzz with social and technological ferment, made up of streets and roads, squares and parks and everyday locations. The city has become populated with new sites of social media where communication flows thick and fast-in the form of control, through video surveillance or the mapping of social graphs, though also in the form of participatory democracy, through augmented reality, smart architectures and wearable computing.

What is the role of art today, in this time of social transformation towards the city of the future?
Is this the city that we want, that we imagine, that we wish for?
What’s your idea of the open city?
What world we want to live?

An international jury will short-list six finalists for the prize, who will be invited to take part in the 8th Share Festival, to be held in Torino from 30th October to 11th November 2012, at the Regional Museum of Natural Science.
The winner will receive a cash prize of EUR 2,500.00.
The names of the short-listed finalists (maximum six nominees) will be announced by the end of July 2012.