Bitcoin, the Free Coin – Jaromil

10th nov – 5PM – Regional Museum of Natural Science

Jaromil will be talking to the Share Festival about Bitcoin, a project that develops, together with a large online community, cryptographic systems to transfer money online without the need for a bank.

Bitcoin has gained enormous popularity on the Web over the last two years, and has even been reviewed by Forbes. It is being taken up by a growing number of craftsmen and artists to sell their creations online without the need for intermediaries; Bitcoin is a payment system comparable to cash.

Behind the Bitcoin technology lie new possibilities for the development of accounting practices and technologies, along with other issues which are to some extent controversial.

At the end of 2011, Jaromil unveiled, a “fork” off the Bitcoin project. Representing more than just a currency, Freecoin is a collection of tools for the creation of new cryptographic currencies.

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