Lull, the Mnemonics and The Combinatorial Ars – Marcello Pecchioli, Andrea Scotti, Carmen Dal Monte, Fabio Fornasari

09th nov – 11AM – Regional Museum of Natural Science

The seminar series is designed to explore the logics, semantics and grammars derived from Raymond Lull’s studies of mnemonics. Andrea Scotti will look at two key elements of his work—the identification of primary sources for the combinatorial method and the construction of a formal ontology in Protegé for the Pinakes project—illustrating their potential applications. Marcello Pecchioli will focus on the performative and transcendental logics found in ancient thought and on the search for alternative logics and methodologies, from Leibniz to Wittgenstein to Ted Nelson’s Project Xanadu, and complex poetic and systemic logics, from Novalis to Bateson. Carmen Dal Monte will look at encyclopaedias of knowledge, from Lull to Kircher, exploring the “knowledge machines” that have been used to systematically categorise human knowledge and understanding. Fabio Fornasari will reconstruct the spatial organisation of Lull and Kircher’s theories, looking at how Lull constructs worlds in which fields of knowledge exist as spaces of the mind and for the mind, whereas Kircher teaches us to look with new eyes; in both cases, we find suggestions for living in worlds that are different from the temporal world.

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