Sharing Green – Giorgio Scianca

10th nov – 11AM – Via Chiabrera 25, Torino


“Dear Share Festival, this year I’d like to talk to you about private parkland and its sharing. That is woods. I want to talk about woods in town and not about gardens or vegetable patches; what I want to talk about is dark green, not light green. I’d like to tell you of my desire to talk to my plants, even at a distance—to call them, link up with them, ask them how they are and if they need anything. I wish I could whisper to the leaves. I would like to take you to see a house in the woods that can only be found in Turin, and that Milan, Paris, London, and Barcelona can only dream of. I’d like you to talk to the architect Luciano Pia, who conceived and designed it. I’d like you to talk to someone who already lives there, and perhaps with someone who lives across the way. I want to talk to you about the little grove in via Carlo Alberto, and of how the subway doesn’t stop at city parks. I’d also like you to talk to people who have sought to bring the woods into our everyday life. And I also want to remind you of “partecipanza,” which is simply the old-fashioned Italian word for “sharing.” See you on 10th November at 11 a.m. in via Chiabrera 25 in Turin. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy the festival!”

free entry

The video report of the conference will be online soon