ManufacTURINg 2008

Take a look at the streaming of the conferences of Share Festival 2008 ManufacTuring.

WEDNESDAY March 12th 2008
Accademia Albertina, Via Accademia 6 – Torino

From Digital to Digifab
02:30 p.mManufacturing: From Digital to Digifab
Share Festival confereces start – Sterling and Boeri discuss about digital manufacturing. As Bruce Sterling says “mappa c’è più di quanto ci sia sul territorio”, but it is certainly true that “nella materialità mi sento a mio agio come mai nessuno prima d’ora”.
– Bruce Sterling, Share Festival guest curator, writer
– Stefano Boeri, architect, publishing director of Abitare magazine
Manufacturing Cultural Projects
4 p.m. Manufacturing  Cultural Projects
The development of digital technologies have led to new themes for art and design. Three different European projects present their production processes concerning digital art and design: ArtTechMedia, project to promote digital art,  digifab activity of university department of design at Akademie der Kunste Berlin, GogBot Festival, Ducth event focused on creative applications on Robots.
– Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco, artists
– Katina Sostmann, researcher
– Kees de Groot and Viola van Alphen, GogBot Festival direction
Manufacturing the Streets
05:30 p.m.
Manufacturing the Streets
How can artists contribute to design public space and re-define the social sphere? Being part of the shared social network system, art and digital communication are the driving forces behind urban transformation, especially in public areas as museum, galleries, squares and shopping centres.
– Gianni Corino, researcher at Plymouth University
– Hugo Derjike, artist
– Chiara Boeri, artist
THURSDAY March 13th 2008
Accademia Albertina, Via Accademia 6 – Torino

Dramatic Manufacturing
02:00 p.mDramatic Manufacturing

Presentation of theatre and research projects concerning the post dramatic patterns of digital storytelling. The theatre is conceived as stage machinery where the actor is the performer and technologies play as characters.
– Motor, artist
– Mauro Lupone, sound designer
– Andrea Balzola, media theorist and play writer

Patching Zone: Manufacturing Interdisciplinary Collaborations
The researcher from V2, Rotterdam, shows us the way electronic art is integrating electronic art studio as a meeting table to enter into new agreements among different subjects.
– Anne Nigten, managing director V2_Lab
Manufacturing Intelligence
03:00 p.m.
Manufacturing Intelligence
Which is the physical, intellective and emotional relationship between man and machine? A new definition of “mind” that is finally able to be free from the prejudice that intelligence is exclusively belonging to human being, or more generally biological beings, thus assessing that artefacts can take part in this new procedure.
– Luigi Pagliarini, artist and neuropsychologist
– Franco Torriani, critic
– PierLuigi Capucci, university professor Università di Bologna
– Gordana Novakovic, artist
– Video by Stelarc, artist

Manufacturing Robots
05:00 p.mManufacturing Robots
The synthesis is in the title of panel, with “manufacturing robots”, looking at robots, from industrial intelligent machines to androids and to mobile applications of artificial intelligence techniques, as expression of industry, creativity, innovation and art. A perspective perfectly represented by the creative idea of the “Marinetti’s Orchestra”, as a key visiting card for the future of our area.

– Stefano Carabelli, university professor Politecnico di Torino
– Pietro Terna, university professor Università di Torino
– Owen Holland, university professor University of Essex
Manufacturing FIAT 500
6.00 pm
Manufacturing FIAT 500

Roberto Giolito, designer of the FIAT 500, tells how is borned the design of this vehicle symbol of the italian industrial manifacture.

• Roberto Giolito (Advanced Design Fiat)

A Manifesto for Networked Objects
02:00 p.m.
A Manifesto for Networked Objects
Now objects are on-line too – blogjects , blogging objects. Once “things” are connected to the Internet, they immediately become part of the relational system, thus improving and boosting the connections in the social network, and they finally define a new relationship between presence and mobility in the physical world. With a pervading Internet network objects are now “citizens” of our space, with the possibility to communicate and interact with them.
– Julian Bleecker, university professor University of Southern California
Manufacturing Digital Art
03:00 p.m.
Manufacturing Digital Art
In the 90s digital art was referring to immateriality, now the society has a more natural relationship with technologies, thus letting what is immaterial to become real, and experimenting new interaction processes between man and machine,
that has completely become part of everyday life in the meantime. Manufacturing is also referring to digital art, where such equipment as Arduino and the explosive advent of 3D printers and devices for digital manufacturing led to integrate what is digital into what is real.
– Massimo Banzi, Arduino co-founder
– Fabio Franchino and Giorgio Olivero, artists

Manufacturing Future Designs
04:30 p.m.
Manufacturing Future Designs
Donal Norman presents his latest book, “Design del futuro”, where objects, agents of an operating macrosystem, are inter-connected within a pervasive network where relation is more important than function. Relation must be focused on sustainability as well, since a harmful element can infect the whole system.
– Donald Norman, Director of the Institute for Cognitive Science
– Bruce Sterling, writer
– Luca De Biase, publishing director of Nova24- Sole24Ore magazine
– Gino Bistagnino, university professor Politecnico di Torino

SUNDAY March 16th 2008
Accademia Albertina, Via Accademia 6 – Torino
Manufacturing Consent
Manufacturing Consent
Recent facts in contemporary society, dazzled by consumer offers and information pollution – people can experience forms of collective hypnosis, created by a communication system whose cultural machines are turning alienation and difference into agreement, thanks to “emotional” strategies that can mould people’s consciousness: where does communication finish and propaganda start?
– Janez Jansa, artist
– Paolo Cirio, artist
– Antonio Caronia, theorist

Two Architectures: Atoms and Bits
05:00 p.m.
Two Architectures: Atoms and Bits
The architecture theorist Marcos Novak and Bruce Sterling discuss about Novak’s concepts such as “trans-vergence”, “trans-architecture”, “trans-modernity”, “liquid architecture”, “navigable music”, “habitable cinema”, “archimusic”. Architectonic explorations into expanded, mixed and alternative virtual reality.
– Marcos Novak, architect
– Bruce Sterling, writer