Share Festival Ghosts
Are we the living ghosts of dead ancestors, of the otherness of the past, its invisible shadows? Or is the past the ghost of ourselves, present, alive and visible? Do we speak to our ghosts, consciously, every day, through art, mind and the material world, or do the ghosts act, fiercely driving us to the unavoidable but creative path of continuity?
Science has its paranormal aspects, when the invisible powers that shape our world become visible to us: bacteria, the DNA within our cells, electricity… Our computation and our neural networks aspire to the telepathic and the telekinetic… Art and science join hands to expand our senses and illuminate the unseen and the unknown. Electronic art is at the core of that relationship: so technical and yet so ethereal, untouchable, invisible, virtual… Pushing the borders of unearthly, the sensible and the nonsensible, nothingness or epiphany… Ghosts have been always popular, and the dead for outnumber than the living. Literature and movies teem with ghosts, and in classic cinema, the actors, screenwriters and directors who parade across our screens are all long-dead. A cultural tradition means that the dead are still living. Those we once loved never leave us; they expand within us as we grow. The gifts we receive from the dead are the world’s only genuine gifts. The dead are, by definition, those who give to us without reward. Their gifts to us are valuable tools for understanding and healing. In Share Festival’s history we have had many artists, friends, precursors , spiritual ancestors, who left their ghostly traces and voices, whom we want to evoke and cherish with this call. Ghosts can be angels or demons, Hamlet’s vengeful ghost or secretive ghost writers. They can be male or female or transgender. They can be a political heritage we must never forget, or personal demons we must keep at a distance. Ghosts can be famous or anonymous, seers or spies. Turin is well-known as the esoteric capital of black and white magic, and Share Festival thrives in Turin. This year we will unleash and reveal our ghosts, mysterious, wild, unpredictable. The invisible will become visible, the phantoms will be realized. This year at Share Festival we invite the planet’s ghosts to a seat of honor at our seance table.
Jasmina Tesanovic, Share Prize curator
download Share 2019 Ghosts Catalog
Share Festival XIV edition opening
02 Maggio 2019 – 18:30 / 22:00
TOOLBOX TORINO, Via Agostino Da Montefeltro, 2
18:30 Opening
19:00 Award ceremony of Share Prize XII edition
19:30 Opening exhibitions of Share Prize and Artmaker 3
20:00 Opening party and dj set by John Bringwolves
Share Prize XII Edition ‘Ghosts’
2/5 Maggio 2019 – mostre aperte dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00
TOOLBOX TORINO, Via Agostino Da Montefeltro, 2
Are we the living ghosts of dead ancestors, of the otherness of the past, its invisible shadows? Or is the past the ghost of ourselves, present, alive and visible? Do we speak to our ghosts, consciously, every day, through art, mind and the material world, or do the ghosts act, fiercely driving us to the unavoidable but creative path of continuity?
Share Prize XII Edition ‘Ghosts’
3/5 Maggio 2019 – dalle ore 18.00 alle 1.00
CONSERVERIA del Pastis, Piazza Emanuele Filiberto, To
‘Homo Faber’ by Diego Scroppo, ‘Stammi Vicino’ by Fabio Battistetti, ‘The Shadows of the Sea’ by Alessandro Sciaraffa and ‘Vanity Mirror’ by Sergio Barboni will be exhibited in La Conserveria, theater in these years of numerous exhibitions with leading protagonists of Turin art scene
Artmaker 3
2/5 Maggio 2019 – 10.00 / 19.00
TOOLBOX TORINO, Via Agostino Da Montefeltro, 2
A new Artmaker Bag, new ideas, new inspiration and new collaborations. The third edition will follow the theme of the 14th Share Festival, ‘GHOSTS’, and both the tools chosen for the kit in the Artmaker Bag, and the works produced will follow the curatorial focus chosen for the Festival. Once again Artmaker is fuelled by its invaluable, indispensable partnerships with Torino Mini Maker Faire, Officine Innesto, Casa Jasmina, Fablab Torino and Print Club Torino.
Talking about ghosts
Sabato 4 Maggio 2019 – 18:00
Keynote Room, TOOLBOX TORINO, Via Agostino Da Montefeltro, 2
1) Bruce Sterling speaks with Professor Casey Edwin Barker Reas, the American artist, aesthetician, programmer and a founder of the “Processing” open-source language for visual design.
2) Women and ghosts have many things in common: invisible crucial agents of art and life they are the projection of black and white magic. A talk with the women of Share, following the theme of the XIV edition of Share Festival.
Hack air ghosts hunting
Sabato 4 Maggio 2019 – 12:00
TOOLBOX TORINO, Via Agostino Da Montefeltro, 2
“HackAIR ghost hunting” is a workshop by cheARIArespiro to capture and make visible the ghosts around us in the air we breathe. The sweet ghosts that are released by the cross-pollination of blooming plants enchant us with their smell of spring, while the fine particles that invisibly fly around us are the ghosts of our own behaviour. They are released into the air through cigarettes, the millions of exhaust pipes and the chimneys of our cities.
Ghosting. Algoritmi e relazioni
Domenica 5 Maggio 2019 – 18:00
Keynote Room, TOOLBOX TORINO, Via Agostino Da Montefeltro, 2
In the world of Social Media, of the instant communication via Direct Message and dating apps, how does the algorithm govern our virtual relationships and what is the impact on our daily lives? The conference investigates this highly topical issue from different perspectives, anthropological, informatic, artistic and sociological. The focus of the conference is the so-called “ghosting”, the “phantom effect” which consists in interrupting a relationship by blocking a user, closing his or her profile, not displaying the messages, removing the follow, etc. So how did the rules of attraction on social media change? Which kind oof new scenarios are taking shape? Master in Museology and degree in DAMS, Karin Gavassa deals with care in the artistic-cultural field, collaborating with institutions and museums such as Castello di Rivoli, Tuscany Region, Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art, Venice Biennale, Piedmont Region, Theater Regio, Mibact, PGM – Small Big Museums, Tuscany ‘900, SMAC Gallery Cape Town, DDM Warehouse of Shanghai. He is currently curator at the Synesthesia digital agency, Turin. Shae is founder of PASSEPARTOUT CULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Passepartout is responsible for organizing exhibitions, conferences, festivals related to contemporary languages for different types of public and is active on the national territory, through a network of local and international realities.
XIV Share Festival
- Organization & Production: The Sharing
- General Manager: Chiara Garibaldi
- Artistic Director: Bruce Sterling
- Curators: Jasmina Tesanovic, Angelo Comino
- Production: Francesca Ventura
- Communication and Press Office: EriKa Bertolino
- Graphic Layout: Giacomo Clemente
- Setting: Chiara Garibaldi
- Setup: Davide Trombetta
- Translations: Antonella Emmi
- Videos & Photos: Francesca Ventura, Giacomo Clemente
- Web Design: Andrea Taddei
Jury Share Prize XII Edition
- Andrea Griva: vice President School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Lia: Austrian artist, pioneer of software and net art
- Domenico Quaranta: contemporary art critic and curator
- Jasmina Tešanovic: Creator of the “IoWT” and curator of Share Prize XI edition
- Bruce Sterling: writer, journalist, blogger and critic of the new media, Share Festival Art Director
Share Festival is held in
- Toolbox Coworking: Via A. da Montefeltro, 2 Torino
- Conserveria del Pastis, Piazza Emanuele Filiberto, To
- Regione Piemonte
- Fondazione CRT
- Compagnia di San Paolo
- Torino Chamber of Commerce
- Goethe Institut