Lecture: “VersuS.Observers and Observed: the emotional analysis of the cities between social networks, generative design and ubiquitous publishing” – Salvatore Iaconesi, Oriana Persico

3th november – 12 AM – Fab Lab, Stazione Futuro – Corso Castelfidardo 22, Torino

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In VersuS, the real-time observation of threads posted on social networks gives shape to visual sculptures and representations that combine aesthetic value with the possibility of using innovative tools for understanding city life and the points of view expressed by people. The city becomes a sort of neural network; its urban streetscape an architecture of data and relationships.

The emotions, desires, visions and expectations of people are to be found in new, digital public spaces that are increasingly intertwined with the physical spaces of the city and the local territory. On the one hand, the possibility of observing and giving real-time access to people’s actions on social networks unlocks an infinite series of possibilities; on the other, analysing the emotions expressed on social networks has become a consolidated practice, underpinning marketing and communication strategies, as well as political and energy tactics. The big global players are breaking into our digital lives, stealing information and intelligence.